Inner Healer Therapy

In-Person & Online Counseling for Substance Abuse

For adults in Phoenix and throughout AZ

Reshape your relationship with alcohol or drugs.

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It didn’t start out like this.

Are family members or friends commenting on your substance use? Has a DUI or embarrassing moment caused you to take a closer look at your habits? Just sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Drugs or alcohol used to be something casual and fun, but along the way, it has developed a much stronger hold on you. Maybe your relationships or career are starting to suffer, or you’re simply tired of feeling like these things control you instead of you controlling them.

This is starting to feel like a merry-go-round — one you’re not sure you can get off on your own.


Substance abuse counseling can help you create a healthier relationship with drugs or alcohol — however that looks for you.

Maybe you’re ready to commit to full sobriety and want help in maintaining it, or maybe you simply want to feel more in control of your substance use. 

The fact is, a healthy relationship with drugs and alcohol looks different for everyone, and substance use counseling can help you decide what’s right for you.

We’ll work together to address not only your day-to-day substance use but, more importantly, gain insight into the deeper motivations or coping mechanisms behind it. From there, we can map out what a healthier relationship with substances looks like and what steps you need to take to achieve that.

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Substance abuse counseling for:

  • Alcohol

  • Marijuana

  • Cocaine

  • Methamphetamine

  • Opiates

  • Heroin


Gain insight into yourself and your behaviors

Identify how substances + coping are related

Reduce or stop substance use

Break old patterns and create new ones

Improve relationships with those close to you

Extend compassion to yourself + others


How does substance abuse counseling work?

Whether you’re just considering your substance use habits for the first time or have relapsed multiple times in the past, I’m here to offer you a shame-free, nonjudgmental space to reshape your relationship with drugs or alcohol.

Often, alcohol or drugs are used as a way to cope with circumstances or as a response to past experiences. In our work together, it won’t simply be about changing your habits moving forward — it will be about identifying what you may have been attempting to avoid with substances in the past. By addressing these things, you can experience true freedom: the kind that only comes from healing the root cause of what’s really holding you back.

We know that you’re not a copy-and-paste version of other people who struggle with substance use. Maybe 100% sobriety isn’t right for you. Maybe it is. Our job is not to “tell” you what to do, but instead to help you uncover what is truly best for you.


It’s time to get off the merry-go-round.
