Inner Healer Therapy

Keren Poirier

Licensed Clinical Social Worker—Practice Founder, Board-Approved Clinical Supervisor

Guiding you toward more hope, health, and resilience to handle whatever life throws your way.

    • Trauma, PTSD, & CPTSD

    • Dissociative Disorders

    • Addiction & substance use

    • Psychedelic integration

    • Anxiety

    • Depression

    • EMDR Trained

    • EMDR Complex Trauma and Dissociative Disorders Specialist

    • Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist – Individual (CCTS-I)

    • Certificate in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (Polaris Insight Center, completion Feb 2024)

    • AZ Board Approved Clinical Supervisor

You’ve done everything you know to do, but can’t seem to make things better. More than anything, you want to wake up every day, look in the mirror, and feel okay with who you are and where your life is at. And I want to help you get there.

I show up in therapy as a human, just like you, and I believe that no matter what choices we’ve made or things we’ve experienced, we’re not broken. We’re not bad. We are simply humans wanting to improve our lives.

With this as my foundation, I am able to approach each client as the individual that they are. I’m not set in my ways about what you do or don’t need. Rather, I believe it is my job to support you in helping you identify that for yourself. Because at the end of the day, I’m not the expert on your life—you are.

Clients describe me as non-judgmental, responsive, and gentle. I point out areas of strength when I see them because I know that sometimes it can be hard to see your own progress. I love getting to witness the transformation my clients see as a result of their work in therapy.


My #1 priority is the relationship I have with my clients. I view our work as a team: it’s not me or you doing the work—we’re doing it together. I invite your feedback at every stage of this process together.

I am trained in EMDR, complex trauma, and dissociative disorders, as well as a variety of other therapeutic methods. I believe that a mind-body approach—something that goes beyond just sitting and talking—is what leads to long-lasting change. You and I will work together to determine what approaches will be best suited to your needs and goals.